About Ramtha's School

The teachings of Ramtha are a unique science. It requires very careful examination and consideration in order to grasp the full meaning and impact of its content. Ramtha's teachings address the fundamental questions about human existence and the human person, our origins and destiny, good and evil, the soul, death and life, the world, our relationship to others, and the nature of space, time, and the fabric of reality.

The teachings are not simply an intellectual dissertation on specific subjects or a mere intellectual analysis of them, nor are they a form of revealed truth that requires the blind allegiance of faith. Ramtha's teachings are not a new religion, nor are they the building blocks of a new church. They offer us a unique perspective from which to view the mystery of life.

They offer us a framework in which the questions that have remained unanswered by philosophy, science, and religion find a new meaning and a new setting for their personal experience.

Ramtha's teachings can broaden the scope of human experience far beyond the boundaries set by science and the various religions of the world to this day. Ramtha's science is the personal truth that was gained and verified by the experience of a member of the human race. In this sense it is Ramtha's knowledge, Ramtha's science. And now that the path has been trodden upon, the doors are open for those who desire to explore it and make their own journey into the unknown.


About Ramtha

"My name is Ramtha the Enlightened One. I am a human being who once lived here and have a very dynamic story to tell. I am here to lead my people from being asleep to waking up and doing something with this life that is original, making known the unknown, and marching out of this abyss into greatness.

"These times are the greatest of all times in your recorded history. Though they are difficult and challenging times, you chose to live here during this time for the purpose of the fulfillment that it would bring you.

"All of you have been promised for ever so long that you would see God in your lifetime, yet lifetime after lifetime you never allowed yourselves to see it. In this lifetime most of you will, indeed.

"You will see a magnificent kingdom emerge here, and civilizations will come forth that you had not even the slightest notion existed. A new wind will blow, and love, peace, and joy in being will grace this blessed place, the emerald of your universe and the home of God.

"There is no redemption for mankind other than to realize their divinity. You are the seeds of this understanding. Whatever you think, whatever you come to realize, lifts and expands consciousness everywhere. When you live what you have come to understand wholly for the good of your own purposeful life, you allow others to see in you a greater thought process, a grander understanding, a more purposeful existence than what they see all around them. Lifting and broadening your own consciousness through knowledge is enlightenment. It is not spiritual rituals. It is understanding.

"All of you have been promised for ever so long that you would see God in your lifetime, yet lifetime after lifetime you never allowed yourselves to see it. In this lifetime most of you will, indeed.

"You will see a magnificent kingdom emerge here, and civilizations will come forth that you had not even the slightest notion existed. A new wind will blow, and love, peace, and joy in being will grace this blessed place, the emerald of your universe and the home of God.

"There is no redemption for mankind other than to realize their divinity. You are the seeds of this understanding. Whatever you think, whatever you come to realize, lifts and expands consciousness everywhere. When you live what you have come to understand wholly for the good of your own purposeful life, you allow others to see in you a greater thought process, a grander understanding, a more purposeful existence than what they see all around them. Lifting and broadening your own consciousness through knowledge is enlightenment. It is not spiritual rituals. It is understanding.

"I have done it all. And for that, entity, I gained wisdom from everything I have ever done and I will never have to do it again. I am virtuous, entity, for I have done all things to become what I am. How do you know what love is, entity, until you have hated? How do you know what life is until you are at the edge of dying, and the sun will set in spite of your death and the fowl won't even look at you. You don't know that until you have come to the point, as it were indeed, of realization.

"I am here to tell you that you are loved even beyond your understanding of love, for you have never been seen as anything other than a God struggling to understand itself. And from every experience in all of your lives, you have gained knowledge, wisdom. You have given to the world. You have added to the virtue of unfolding life.

"My path in my life upon this plane was to become the Unknown God -- which I was to discover was myself -- and to go beyond the dimensions to frolic in the adventures of forever. And so I did, and still do. I have returned to tell you that those adventures are awaiting you also, when you have embraced all of this life as I did."

— Ramtha

Ramtha teaches that God lives within you. The power to create reality is in you. It is our divine right, by virtue of our free will and the power to reason and think for ourselves. The ability to observe and make choices from the infinite possibilities in the quantum field, the kingdom God, is what makes us divine.

JZ Knight, The Channel

JZ Knight was born March 16, 1946 in Roswell, New Mexico, to a family of migrant farmworkers. She was the eighth child in the family and spent her early childhood in the cotton fields while her mother worked picking cotton.

JZ Knight, through hard work and dedication, was able to raise her two young children by herself. Her professional work was interrupted by Ramtha, who started her on a journey of self-discovery and mastership. JZ was part of Ramtha's life historically as one of his beloved adopted children, Ramaya.

Ramtha's choice to channel his message through a woman rather than using his own physical body is making the statement that God and the divine are not the prerogative of men alone and that women have always been worthy expressions of the divine, capable of genius and of being God realized.

It is also asserting that what is important is not the worshiping of the messenger or a face or an image — which caused the collapse of so many efforts to enlighten in the past — but to listen to the message itself. It is also making the statement that the true essence of the human person is not limited to the physical body or a specific gender. The phenomenon of channeling is made possible, therefore, within the framework of Ramtha's own science. In other words, channeling as it happens in the person of JZ Knight is possible only if Ramtha's teachings are true.

Ramtha's choice to channel his message through a woman rather than using his own physical body is making the statement that God and the divine are not the prerogative of men alone and that women have always been worthy expressions of the divine, capable of genius and of being God realized.

It is also asserting that what is important is not the worshiping of the messenger or a face or an image — which caused the collapse of so many efforts to enlighten in the past — but to listen to the message itself. It is also making the statement that the true essence of the human person is not limited to the physical body or a specific gender. The phenomenon of channeling is made possible, therefore, within the framework of Ramtha's own science. In other words, channeling as it happens in the person of JZ Knight is possible only if Ramtha's teachings are true.

The veracity of this phenomenon points to the truth of Ramtha's message. This is an important point to consider because the advance of science has developed tests and equipment that can scrutinize this phenomenon and study it from a physiological, neurological, and psychological point of view. Scientific techniques now exist to study the phenomenon of channeling by JZ Knight and to rule out the possibility of fraud. These scientific studies took place in 1996 when a distinguished panel of eighteen scholars — comprised of neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologists, and religious experts — studied JZ Knight before, during, and after channeling Ramtha.

After they conducted their scientific research studies, using the latest technology and equipment available, they concluded that the readings taken from JZ Knight's autonomic nervous system responses were so dramatic that they categorically ruled out any possibility of conscious fakery, schizophrenia, or multiple personality disorder.

JZ Knight is very much loved for her passion for learning and exploring mind, her dedication to the Great Work, and her love of God and the divine in all, as well as the simplicity with which she is able to articulate the great questions about who we are, where do we come from, and what destiny is ultimately available to us. She continues to channel Ramtha and bring his teachings to the world through Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, which she calls "The Quintessential School of the Mind."

"You are the greatest mystery ... the creator of your life and destiny."

— Ramtha