RSE Student Carlo Giorno shares his story on manifestation
The long focus...
In 1989 I came to Ramtha's school from Australia with a partner. We had a baby girl born in 1991. What's interesting is this baby was in the womb in the field, the tank and the arena. I remember Ramtha rubbing the mother's belly. When the baby was 2 months old they both went back to Australia. I stayed in Yelm to continue the work as the relationship had already dissolved.
For many years (days before internet or cell phone) I didn't know where my girl was. It was a piece of me that was missing, there was much heartache around this situation. I met her a couple of times as a kid for a few days in Australia with many years in between. No time for connection. Recently this summer 2018, we e-mailed, and she said she thought it was time to visit Dad. There was hesitation as we were both having financial issues.
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I had not been a current student as RSE for 5yrs and decided to look at the schedule, there was a 101 happening during the time of her visit. I said maybe we could work around those dates (Sept 17th to 22nd) as I would like to get into the disciplines again and connect with the reason I came here. Still some hesitancy on both sides. She replied, " I was born there right! so I would like to go!!". Now I had my mind racing as to how to come up with finances, feeling the responsibility of the father figure. You can imagine all the things your mind thinks of to make it work, and most of it was futile emotional reaction.
So on Sept 1st I sat down for a few minutes in the afternoon to focus on the Match 4 lottery, I did C&E for a few minutes, cleared my mind and continued with a remote view technique Ramtha had taught us. I recorded the 4 numbers I saw and bought my ticket on the way to dinner with my old friend. The next morning I casually brought up the winning numbers on my laptop from the night before and thought they look familiar, I grabbed my ticket and saw my remote view was absolutely correct, I won $10,000.
I told my daughter lets do this I'll get your flight.
Once she had been here a while driving around in my new vehicle with some cash in her hand, she asked me where the money came from and was I selling drugs, I informed her about the remote view. She was excited and wanted to get to school to do the same. At school I thought I would lead the way and was the first person to find there card on the field the first day.
Once she got a couple of sessions of field work in, she then took over and found 3 cards. Something always told me a soul wouldn't be born in this school for no reason. Perhaps we should both listen to the plane of bliss teachings. Another amazing discovery happened on Thursday of the event, we were asked to make 2 cards, I was having a very difficult emotional day with my daughter and couldn't even draw a card. I screwed up my drawings and tore them up, and went to search thru my pencil box for a blank card, I keep a few old cards in there and a few blank ones, less than 10 cards in total, and I must have dozen at home.
Pulling out what I thought was a blank card, again not seeing straight thru the tears, I turned it over and it had her name on it, I looked closely at the top it said 2012, that means we were creating our year as per Ramtha's instructions and making a list of desired manifestations. Looking at the card I saw my list on the left side had "Yazmina visit" and the right side was written "Remote view lotto". Speech less, awe and wonder followed, I had no memory of this card until I saw it in my hand at the event with my daughter having just won the lotto. I learned so many lessons about manifesting and time lines, from 10 minutes of focus to 6yrs, or 27 yrs. of a desired result.
Carlo Giorno and Yazmina Jade Adler
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Jo Macdonald has been an RSE student since 1991. Read her breakthrough story and get re-inspired for your own breakthrough moment. It's coming soon!
It has been my intention to write regarding Dimensional Mind from the first contemplations on the long drive home, but I am still so unable to fully understand the forces at play that infected the Event with such magic, that much as words have rolled through my mind daily, I still am unclear what to write. Only that I must.
Even though it would have been a repeat experience of Dim Mind for me, it certainly did not feel like it! It was as if I had heard it for the first time; but then, I probably heard it for the first time. Of course, partly that would be because the first was so long ago, but more so, I was given the inestimably great gift of FOCUS for the whole Event from Ramtha's opening words. Maintaining focus often even achieving it has been a constant, 27 year struggle for me in the neighborhood I inhabited prior to this Event.
This time, it was clear, sharp, and sustained so I really heard what Ram was saying and for the first time (not just Dim Mind)! This gave greater joy than I could possibly express, so perhaps it was this joy that accompanied me onto the Field that played a contributing role in my finding such an extraordinary number of cards that I still can't quite believe!
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Many times, the first time I touched the fence, there was my card! Almost all of them took only very few minutes (I think I spent more time creating new cards than actually on the Field & I have never drawn cards so fast EVER!). I am absolutely convinced I was being helped.
The joy factor has only just occurred to me; until now I attributed this remarkable outcome entirely to my focus. For the first time, I had no difficulty whatever in seeing the amazingly clear & sharp (& with a kind of a brilliance & intensity of color that I can't even describe) holographic image - from the moment I spun & blew. And there was no difficulty in maintaining that focus albeit for the short time until I found the card. This was such a new experience for me such a mystery & such a joy!
The clear sharp focus accompanied me throughout every N. Walk. The whole experience was so other-worldly that the only contribution I can see that I made was to (& again, I felt like I was being helped) be absolutely meticulous about self-correction. Yes, in this sort of altered state, I didn't actually have to, anywhere near as often but it was very clear that the self-correction was happing the instant I lost focus, however minutely. No procrastination. Or realizing after a while that my thoughts had wandered. All SO different...
Same with Creating my Day, & every other discipline.
Yes, I was physically challenged. I have not been able to sit in the C&E position for 2 years. I have been determined that between my own healing work, weekly physio & specific exercise, I would be able to cancel the scheduled knee replacement. And I did, the month before the scheduled date. However, even while taking all the above approaches, bending it, even negotiating stairs, or walking on a slope had been impossibly painful as well as professionally advised against. By the end of the second day, it was impossible for me to continue to try to do C&E on a chair (there's a good reason to do it the way we were taught... smile). I was so inspired by Ram's words, I had to do as instructed. And I did, claiming the C&E position (which I had always loved) back.
I beat myself up for a couple of days for having on occasion to straighten out that leg for a spell (which I hated doing!). Then I realized it was my old friend Yellow Brain trying to undermine me again. Every time over the years I have achieved something extraordinary or even been about to Old Yeller would appear, to insistently discourage and dissuade me. Here I was, doing something I would never have believed possible on the Field so he homed in on my being unable to tolerate intense pain. Failure. You are useless at this work. etc. (Far from the first time!!)
And then I recognized this entity & laughed, extending the invitation to accompany me for the ride. Or not. But I was moving...
And I learned to love candle focus. For the first time in all these years. So that I actually look forward to it at home. And of course, in the C&E position, not on a chair. I might have difficulty walking for a few minutes after I finish but I now I am so involved, and love it so much that I actually find myself reluctant to stop (including folded legs!).
The magic stayed with me after I left the Event. As we could not stay at the university I had booked a motel 1.5 hours into my journey home. There was just enough daylight left to take myself off to find somewhere suitable to do my N Walk. In this historic old town (Mudgee) I found a brand new, sealed & side-walked, completely uninhabited rural road. Oh how I loved that gentle, uninterrupted Walk ... so much so that I created new affirmations just so I could keep going. Early next morning was even more magical. In the 4 deg dawning light, the paddocks sparkling with frost & the mists rolling over the cattle, ramshackle old farmhouses in the distance, it looked like I'd bi-located to Yelm. That was a huge gift in itself. If anything, that morning Walk was even more magical than the previous evening's, and I remained fully absorbed, unconscious of time, until the ice was off the roads and it was safe to continue my journey.
On my arrival that evening, my dear friend of 45 years with whom I bought the property could see instantly that I had changed. Just for a start, I couldn't stop smiling (a habit developed from the first day in Bathurst!). And I love the fact that I have. I am less stressed, less judgmental, more compassionate, and more confident of my abilities as a God. I didn't knowingly aim for any of these consequences; they seem just to have emerged from the Event. But most of all, it reignited my passion!
For someone caught up in the vicious cycle of pain, sleep deprivation, old age, and feeling very much a failure at the Great Work only a few weeks prior to the Event, unbelievably actually wondering if should go (I had already paid) and that if I did, it should probably be the last time what a reversal! What a gift! What a clear direction! My God calling my Personality's camel dung! It would take something huge and outside my control to STOP me attending the next one.
How can I ever thank my God, Ramtha & JZ enough for the priceless gift of the pure magic of this Event that has turned my life around?!
And while thanks are being offered, I would like to include Karen, who did an outstanding job. Her warmth, compassion, calm professionalism, devotion to and contemplation of the Teachings, and astonishing focus make her the perfect choice. I must admit I had been concerned that anyone could fill Janine's shoes, but in fact, Karen doesn't have to; she fills her own Masterfully.
Love & Blessings & deep appreciation to everyone involved in the dissemination of the Great Work
Jo Macdonald
"The greatest of things are achieved in a light heart"
- Ramtha The Enlightened One
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RSE Student Abber Lee from Taiwan - His story on Change and becoming Sovereign
I joined streaming Shiva's bow event these days, and these days heavy rain hit Taiwan. In southern west part of Taiwan, all main cities in that area encountered flood adversity. You could see enclosed picture. My place is safe, I live in mountain area in northern west part of Taiwan. And I live in harmony with nature.
4 years ago, I lived in the city, and I listened to one of Ramtha's great teaching, "The Opus of the Ram". My soul urged me to change and move, and I listened and did the change to sell my house in city and move to mountain area to build my heaven. I have my own well with clean and beautiful water, I grow food, and have beautiful garden, I also raise bee to have my own honey. I also have my own solar power system with power storage batteries system to have capability to live off grid completely.
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All of these changes because Ramtha's teaching, JZ's leadership, all RSE staff and students to keep RSE be there to allow we to access to the great knowledge and apply them into life.
This night I woke up from heavy rainy night, I walked around my land, and saw great water pouring down, all soil and terrain are intact cause my great work with nature. After my walk, the rain almost stop, it is nature response and talk to me.
I thought I need to share with you before I go back to twilight, and will get up to join mirror work in the morning with Shiva's bow event group.
It will help a lot if student's to listen to that teaching (The Opus of the Ram) again during "The Days to Come".
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RSE Student Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D. - "Wow to Shiva's Bow Event!"
As a student who started the school in 2006 I came after the tales of 12-hour Fields and long days of focus under Ramtha's leadership. I often thought when those times were talked about that I am glad I did not show up here for this because I did not know if I would have "survived" it
This year the structure of the events changed, and we did engage in very long hours of focus
as we did at Shiva's bow
and I am so glad I had the opportunity to experience this
My left knee was hurting bad and I wore a brace wondering how well I would be able to move around in the tank
I made a choice far into the tank and had to start my journey over
I was sure that the day was over for me and that I should just continue focusing for a little while
when I heard Laura's voice yelling at all of us: There is still a lot of daylight left! Don't give up! I made it all the way back and into the Void... thank God there was enough time wow.
After the tank I realized that I had not felt my knee bothering me all day, that my muscles were sore, but I had no knee problems at all the next day
healed in the tank by a whole day not being my program. Me and a couple of my lady friends who have issues with frequent urination realized that we had gone through a 9-hour tank without even thinking of our bladder. That is a healing MIRACLE!!!
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After the tank we were asked to go to the Field
I did not think I could walk another step my muscles were screaming and my body so tired
I just put my blinders on and literally had completely run out of my humanity, my physical strength when I found my card of my future self, that I had focused on for 2 years but had not found in the field after so many events that I had participated
that moment was one of the greatest moments of my entire Life. I left the field and sat under the big tree crying like a baby, that the God within me showed up like this
I can't even begin to describe that moment.
To see my intent in archery for 2 days all over the place
on the third day I went to the stand and I said to the God within me
please God help me clean up my intent, I just want to look at my Blue Body and become it, just help me surrender here.
That round I hit my target.
It is not the accomplishments themselves that are important
it is that experience of the journey what did it take to get to that moment
and I can tell everyone from experience
if you have a physical malady come to every event and do every discipline
if you spend that many hours not being your program you will be healed!!!
Thank you to all the staff for their unwavering dedication to make it possible for us. Thank you to Ramtha and JZ for the greatest School on Earth
I can say what I used to be afraid of in long hours of fabled focus is now the best time of my life!!! When is the next event???
Bravo for Shiva's bow!!!
Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D.
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